?> Why Ceramic Bird Feeders are Popular? | Birdcage Design Ideas

Getting Inspired by Ceramic Bird Feeders

White Ceramic Bird Feeder

The ceramic bird feeders are still popular comparatively to other materials. Their benefits are clear so it’s a tricky idea to realize. The first advantage of ceramic and clay is aesthetic. These materials are very flexible so they allow the user to create a unique design without hard efforts. The result will pleasure not only the birds but also your friends and relatives.

The second benefit of ceramic feeders is a wealth of forms and shapes. Some items look like antique crockery: pots, amphoras and so on. Another have a stick and a hanger. Their square shape reminds flower pots. However, they are filled with homemade bird food.

Ceramic Bird Feeder Project

If you have active cats or other animals who can cause serious damages to our winged friends, localize the ceramic bird feeder on pole. Its surface is smooth and uncomfortable for pets to reach the feeder. But don’t install them near trees as in that case the cats or squirrels can attack the main customers.

Most such feeders purport open air varieties. This means that you need to protect it from atmospheric precipitations yourselves. However, you can solve this problem without serious efforts. You can use ceramic egg bird feeder. It really looks like a traditional egg. The top side and walls with windows for one or two doves will keep the food for them dry. The construction is squirrel and raccoon proof so the greedy guests have no chance to feed there.

The feeders are most important for birds to survive during cold winter months. The author of this article noticed that some birds, mainly sparrows, used them as a temporary rest zone. Sometimes they fought for each grain so we and our relatives could watch the fantastic battles and quarrels. The same will be in your garden all year round. Start feed birds this autumn.

Ceramic Teapot Bird Feeder

11 Photos of the Getting Inspired by Ceramic Bird Feeders

Ceramic Orb Bird FeederBlue Ceramic Bird FeederModern Ceramic Bird FeederCeramic Egg Bird FeederCeramic Bird Feeder ProjectWhite Ceramic Bird FeederMason Cash Ceramic Bird FeederCeramic Bird Feeder on PoleCeramic Hooded Bird FeederCeramic Teapot Bird FeederCeramic Bird Feeder on Stick

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