?> Unique Mosaic Bird Bath will Decorate Your Garden | Birdcage Design Ideas

Outstanding Ideas for Mosaic Bird Bath

Making a Mosaic Bird Bath

Modern mosaic bird bath look like a real piece of art. It is bright and has unique pictures. Of course, you can buy a readymade one and it will be a nice decoration of the backyard. But you can also try to make it with your own hands depending on your taste, skills and fantasy. It may be you pride.

There are many variants of diy mosaic bird bath. Let’s consider some of them.

Mosaic Cascade Solar Bird Bath Fountain

Variant 1. You need such materials as: a bowl (ceramic, plastic, metal), a hammer, ceramic tiles, glue and some grout. First of all, it is necessary to break ceramic tiles using a hammer. After that, all these pieces should be just put on the bottom of the bowl and glued. Then apply a thick layer of grout, so it can fully cover the mosaic. Take a wet sponge and begin to wipe the surface until the pattern is clearly seen. Let it dry and polish with a cloth.

As for the bird bath mosaic patterns, there are no any special recommendations here. You should just do what you want. There is no wrong variant if you use your creativity. The variety of modern materials allows to make experiments and do not worry about the result. You can use coloured glass, ceramic tiles, decorative glass pebbles.

Variant 2. To make a mosaic bird bath you should take such materials as: a water dish, CD-discs, glue and some grout. The work is started with cutting old CD-discs into many pieces of different sizes. Then a water dish you have prepared before should be glued over with these little pieces. After that cover it with grout, wipe the surface and polish it. Here it is. You can use any stand you want (metal, wooden, ceramic). By the way, a stand can be covered with mosaic too and it looks even more beautiful.

Mosaic Bird Bath Designs

18 Photos of the Outstanding Ideas for Mosaic Bird Bath

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