?> Make Homemade Bird Baths Easily | Birdcage Design Ideas

Homemade Bird Baths will Impress Everyone

Homemade Bird Bath Heater

Today homemade bird baths are very popular, because they do not require much efforts, time and money and surely they are not worse than the readymade ones. They usually consist of two parts: the base or stand and a bowl. They can be made of concrete, stone, metal, marble.

Since birds do not like to swim, but prefer to splash in the water, the optimum depth of the bowl should not be more than 7 cm with a diameter of at least 60 cm. There are many homemade bird baths ideas, which will help to decorate the garden and make it more pleasant for spending time.

Homemade Bird Baths Ideas

You can easily make such a decoration if you have a piece of pipe of about one meter long at home. In this case it is necessary to cut the pipe in several places and bend this so-called “leaves” outside, so it will be the top of the stand. The pipe can be painted with acrylic paints (the images of climbing plants look well). Dig another end of the pipe in the ground. If you want to use a plastic bowl it is recommended to increase the weight of a construction and put some pebbles on the bottom of it.

It is also easy to make a homemade concrete bird bath. You just need such materials as: cement, sand, water, polyethylene film and a special item to make the form of the water dish.

A metal stand can be made by twisting two metal strips. The method is similar to the one with a pipe. A perfect bowl for this stand is the one made of thick coloured glass.

Make Homemade Bird Bath

If you have an old clay pot a pool for birds can be made per half an hour. For this purpose, according to its diameter, one should choose a plastic or ceramic bowl, fix it on the clay pot, pour some water and it is ready. You can also paint it to make it more beautiful.

It is also possible to make a homemade bird bath fountain, but you need to pay more efforts to this. It can be made in the form of animals, angels, antique heroes. It is interesting and original at the same time.

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