Independently on your choice, remember that a manger have to be cleaned at least once a month or often. For attracting finches to bird feeders the food must be dry and clean. To achieve the gain, install a roof above the feeder to keep it from rain and snow. Think also about menu. This songbirds like whole sunflower seeds and kernels, safflower, millet, flex and thistle.
Here is main recommendation on best feeder ideas. We have the tops step for best feeder ideas. Check it out for yourself! You can find Finch Bird Feeder Plans guide and view the latest Finch Bird Feeders and Its Pros and Cons in here.
If you want to attract hangbirds in your garden, then you have to arrange special oriole bird feeders. This is due to the fact that they have an unusually shaped beaks and tongues and an uncommon food taste, so a usual feeding rack doesn’t attract them. A right choice of […]
Today homemade bird baths are very popular, because they do not require much efforts, time and money and surely they are not worse than the readymade ones. They usually consist of two parts: the base or stand and a bowl. They can be made of concrete, stone, metal, marble. Since […]
Modern mosaic bird bath look like a real piece of art. It is bright and has unique pictures. Of course, you can buy a readymade one and it will be a nice decoration of the backyard. But you can also try to make it with your own hands depending on […]