Since birds do not like to swim, but prefer to splash in the water, the optimum depth of the bowl should not be more than 7 cm with a diameter of at least 60 cm. There are many homemade bird baths ideas, which will help to decorate the garden and make it more pleasant for spending time.
Here is needful recommendation on diy. We have the excellent sources for diy. Check it out for yourself! You can find Homemade Bird Bath Spray guide and look the latest Homemade Bird Baths will Impress Everyone in here.
Who wouldn’t care for the sound of a glad winged creature in their garden or cool bird houses? It’s so decent to get up in the morning listening to their tunes and charming sounds. So make them feel welcome into your garden by offering them a pleasant winged animal feeder […]
We continue publication of articles about the attraction of birds to the garden. Today we’ll speak about window bird houses. This is one of the best ways to watch their life close to your room. You will enjoy the sparrows or martins who wait and then care for their babies. […]
Autumn is time to realize unusual bird feeders DIY projects. You can find materials from your closet for this aim. The first idea is using recycled crockery. Take a drill and make a hole in the center of the ceramic plate and bowl. Insert a threaded long metal stick between […]