There are two types of aviaries depending on the way of mounting:
- Ground – is mounted directly on the ground on a special concrete base to protect the birds from rats or other predators. Polyvinylchloride or wooden aviary bird cage is the most popular example of the ground type.
- Suspended – is mounted with the help of fixed bearing. In this case there is no direct contact with the ground, so it increases the degree of safety from predators. As a rule, it is made of metal.
This accommodation can be also either temporary or permanent. Temporary one is often a seasonal open-air coop and the permanent one is used for all-year living.
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The antique bird cages are extremely popular in the course of time and they are still widespread all over the world. But these design details are not often meant to be cells for flying creatures but they can serve as big or little parts of interior. These elegant and even […]
The market of the time offers several types of finch bird feeders. They are plastic tubes, mesh socks and platforms. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s consider each type separately. Plastic tubes have a long service life, but they are prone to be destroyed by squirrels. […]
Chickadee bird house is built with Red Cedar. Wood stock is unpleasant cut on both sides so winged animals can hold inside and outside surfaces. On cool winter evenings, Chickadees and Downy Woodpeckers save vitality by bringing down their body temperature by 10 to 15 degrees F. The outline is […]