A teacup bird feeder can be made with a small amount of materials, small cost and not much effort. As a result you’ll get a nice item that is able not only to attract feather creatures, but to decorate your garden and backyard, giving a unique spirit and charm. Besides the beauty, a ceramic container has other advantages. It is mold and rot-resistant and easy to clean.
Here is imperative recommendation on small. We have the best step for small. Check it out for yourself! You can get Teacup Bird Feeder Instructions guide and view the latest Facts to Note in Teacup Bird Feeder in here.
Modern mosaic bird bath look like a real piece of art. It is bright and has unique pictures. Of course, you can buy a readymade one and it will be a nice decoration of the backyard. But you can also try to make it with your own hands depending on […]
Bird feeder hangers are very comfortable tools to install a manger without troubles wherever you want. The most part of them can be hung without additional accessories. There are different types of brackets; S-shaped, extended, station kits, chains, wires and twines. Chains and wires are represented in different length and […]
Autumn is time to realize unusual bird feeders DIY projects. You can find materials from your closet for this aim. The first idea is using recycled crockery. Take a drill and make a hole in the center of the ceramic plate and bowl. Insert a threaded long metal stick between […]